Arc is the central node in the hardware eco system in Brisbane and as such we are connected with professionals through all fields of hardware development. As a result in addition to facilities and mentoring, Arc is able to broker expert additional services in the development of your product and business.
It is in our interest for members to be successful and we are able to connect you with the right company or consultant to take on specific projects which will compliment your existing teams specialisms. Being onsite we can help manage the process of engaging with a specialist, we will work alongside you and can manage the relationship, reducing any management overhead.
Some examples of areas we have connections with include;
Electronic Development

We can connect you with electronic engineering experts to take breadboard prototypes through the various iterative design phases, proof of principle, MVP to pre-production prototypes. We will work closely with you and contractors on implementation of cost reductions and the refinement of functionality to best meet users needs. Areas can include;
– Part research and identification
– Initial circuit design
– Circuit breadboard / prototyping / test / debug
– PCB design, manufacture and refinement
– MVP creation and testing
– Manufacturing package creation
Project Management


You may have a functioning prototype, but its incased in an uninteresting off-the-shelf box. We can connect you with people who have many years experience working on 3D product design and we can work through a refined process to make your product ready to be taken to a manufacturer.
The process includes;
– Understanding the product / understanding the user
– Design thinking workshops and exercises
– Market research of similar products, aesthetics, design language
– Quick form development, multiple and quick iterations
– Refinement of designs to higher fidelity, 3D print prototypes
– User testing of MVP
– Design for manufacture, final CAD packages
– Liaison with manufacturers
Manufacturing Setup

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